Your Natal Promise | A Written Report

Your Natal Promise | A Written Report

Sale Price:€111.00 Original Price:€144.00

We’ve an inkling that we’re here on Earth to do things. Life isn’t purposeless.

In astrology we can call it the natal promise. The planets are archetypes, moving in cycles to reflect energetic patterns that can be correlated to Earthly matters.

Some can be challenging and when we get a handle what’s pegged for us this lifetime, we can flow better.

Technically, this isn’t a personalised reading —that requires your birth time and life events to match against. That is you when you hit the “play” button and are born, and when you choose to exercise conscious and free will everyday in life.

Rather, this natal reading is your promise on arrival. To take on these challenges in the cycles of time.

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Birth Chart Reading

Birth Chart Reading
