The Kitchen: Organising Spaces To Help You Connect with your Moon Sign
The Kitchen: Organising Spaces To Help You Connect with your Moon Sign
The Moon goes beyond the invisible subconscious influences. It impacts how we approach practical matters in life everyday. Thus, it’s important to understand how you prefer to organise your spaces. By organising your spaces, you can harness the best aspects of your Moon.
As an ethereal light that reflects the Sun’s energy and the fastest orbit in the sky, waxing and waning on a 28-day cycle , the Moon provides a map that helps better navigate our inner impulses and needs, providing us with comfort, nurturance, and greater wisdom. What are our emotional needs that support our success? Where do we face unexpected triggers? What are the keys to better, deeper relationships? Making sense of your everyday spaces helps you understand these questions around your own Moon astrology.
In this series, I’ll look at various spaces and how our behaviour in the kitchen can yield a better idea of who we are as individuals — at home and in our most personal relationships. I’ll also share what it means for each sign (I highlight particular signs). Look at which sign and house your Moon is in, as well as the signs of your 4th and 6th houses for this.
The Kitchen
The kitchen is where food is prepared, stored, and enjoyed. It is the hearth of the home and the traditional centre of a family’s interaction. For the most part, many of the functions here are overtaken by the external world. We eat out, hang out(side), have part-time help, and the mother’s (or parent’s) role in the kitchen is sometimes filled by a stay-in maid.
The way the kitchen is set up reveals a lot about how you perceive feeding and nourishing yourself .The less time you spend in the kitchen, the more time you need to spend re-organising the space to fit your needs and goals. Preparing food in a space that fits your astrology will ensure a nurturing experience.
How to organise astrologically:
Try making your own meals at home in your own kitchen for seven straight days. Or at least three days — that is breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as any snacks you usually eat at home. Often times, by discovering your own rhythm, you uncover habits that never really suited you. Perhaps you like having a quiet breakfast at home when you previously preferred to escape hectic mornings at home. Or you appreciate slow cooking recipes that your grandmother had done. The ritual of preparing, cooking, and eating food in your own kitchen space will help focus your thoughts on nurturance.
The Kitchen & The Signs
Gemini & The Kitchen: As long as you can choose what you like to eat, you’re happy. Try new recipes and buffets, order in and have easy deliveries handy.
Cancer & The Kitchen: Cancer rules the home, especially the kitchen. It also has an affinity with food, for how it affects the stomach. Cancer requires a shell to escape into, and the kitchen, with its potential for security and nurturance, is the shell you can escape into once in a while.
If you have Mars in Cancer, you might feel your aggression inwardly before being expressed outwardly. are you taking it out through food, or on your kitchen? It’s an insidious placement that may hide in the kitchen.
Leo & The Kitchen: Cooking is a display of your love and dedication for your loved ones. Keep your kitchen, and the food, looking good and generous. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but grand gestures fill your heart and stomach.
Libra & The Kitchen: Food should look and taste good, and you care about where it comes from. Go to farmers’ markets, restaurants, and honest cooks — you’ll feed the Venusian side of you that seeks elegance, deliberateness, refined.